Dear guests,
we show you some impressions of our summer 2019.
We had a good elder-flower harvest for our homemade juice:
One day we got a visit from a goat:
During warm summer days in June we offered “Sulze” in our restaurant:
With the red currants from our garden Maria backed a cake:
Like every year we went to church on 15th August for the sanctification of our herb bouquet (called “Kräuterbuschen” in German).
We have a lot of joy with our 120 gooses:
This picture shows a sunrise with our cows:
Days with beautiful weather have been used for haymaking:
This picture shows our kitchen and service team of the Krepper restaurant 2019:
So far we had a really nice summer 2019 and say thank you for your visits!!!
If you want to have up-to-date information about us, just visit us on Facebook or Instagram.
Best wishes from Lofer,
the Family Faistauer