Dear guests,

winter 2024/2025 is nearly over. In this post we want to show you some pictures of the past months.

Our restaurant will be open until 23th March 2025 (like the Almenwelt Lofer). After that we make a short break. We will open again for Easter holidays (Friday, 11th April to Monday, 21th April).

Summer season will start around 15th may.

Best wishes from Lofer,
the family Faistauer

Krepper Lofer Winter RestaurantThis winter we had snow and fantastic weather on 24th of December.

Krepper Lofer Winter Restaurant

Krepper Lofer Winter RestaurantThe children loved our fire bowl.

Krepper Lofer Winter Restaurant SpringAt the moment we don’t have snow left in the value – only on the top of the mountains…

Krepper Lofer Winter Restaurant SpringBut the first spring flowers are already blooming.

Krepper Lofer Winter Restaurant Spring